Interesting targets are getting more and more often recognized – this time east and north Europe
Northern Europe we connected in most cases with white, cold and hard work. It's fact, cause Northern countries is one of the main commercial directions. But Eastern Europe is known generally from village people and cheap alcohol. And it’s a myth. Exceptionally in capitals.
The most southern of the Scandinavian countries is Denmark. It is the isle country that additionally to beautiful countryside is by the way the place in which runs the roads to Sweden. Thanks to this seaside towns are growing very fastly.
Country is world-wide known mainly from bikes and Lego (read). How can we get there? The nicest with plane - flights to Denmark are offered from generally every European capital. The biggest airport in capital where we also can visit a lot of tourist attractions. However, you can always go to Germany and northern parts of Scandinavia. By picking there, consider flights to Denmark as a transport option. In the eastern part, one of the most interesting capitals is Minsk.
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The capital of Belarus is associated from with poverty, as well as the all region.
Here, however, it’s not a surprise, because Minsk does not differ with look from the another capitals. There is the port where reaches flights to Minsk. In Minsk we can observe firstly a lot of religious buildings and museums (visit this page). There is also a lot of things related to war. It’s worth to visit that city. The one issue is about the flights to Minsk land at the airport long from Minsk about 42 kilometers from the city, so it’s unpleasant.

This problem we analized in our text was very worthwhile for You? Don’t forget to check this site, it contains a lot of additional advices (!
The capital of Belarus is associated from with poverty, as well as the all region.

Author: Baumit
Source: Baumit
Both the northern and eastern Europe have a lot of interesting directions. It’s worth visit to as many as you can.