Choose proper type of luggage before your flight
Nowadays, when Poland is part of European Union since more then ten years, Polish people are traveling by air jet a lot. Nothing surprising in this, cause prizes of airline tickets are really attractive, because of tiny airline carriers.
if you're scheduling your first flight, you have to get ready for it really well, if you like your ticket to be as cheap as affordable, and to avoid unexpected situations.

When you are planning to travel anywhere only for couple days, you don't need additional luggage, cause carry on bag should be enough. In many of airline carriers, it is in size of a medium valise, therefore you will stuff in there many of clothes. But when you like to put in there also any cosmetics, you need to fallow those couple rules. Each of the fluids, such as creams or balms, must to be putted inside small, 100 ml tops transparent bottles. Also, each of it have to be fit inside plastic bag, either transparent (check the facts). In time of your security check, you must to remove it from that carry on bag, and show it to person who is dealing with you.

When you are planning bigger trip, the best option will be registered luggage Weight of it could be far higher then in regular bag - the same is with size (click and learn more). Beside, if you are planning to visit some relatives abroad, and you like to give them some Polish liquors or meals, you have a chance to put it up there - it is not possible with carry on bag. Another thing you have to think of, is luggage weight. Of course, it could be higher then regular, but there is still some limitation, various in each company.
Scheduling your first journey by plane may be very stressful, mostly when you don't know anything about limitations in baggage alternatives.
According of length of your trip, different bag would be better for you. And do not to read really carefully rules of your air company before your trip, to avoid additional costs and to have a stress less check out.